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  • Writer's picturemalensoltyskb8735

Why Conservatives Hate the Government But Love the Cops

There is, as I am sure you know, a certain kind of conservative who likes to drive a colossal, pedestrian-mashing truck with as many flags as possible flying from it. If you have seen one of these trucks before, and you definitely have, you may have noticed that among the many flags are usually these two: The one on the top left is the “thin blue line” flag, which is used to celebrate police officers and indicate an opposition to Black Lives Matter. The one on the bottom right is the much older Gadsden flag, today used primarily to indicate support for libertarianism and “small government.”

There is something rather amusing and ironic about seeing the two flags together: one of these flags is a defense of the state agents who put their boot on people’s necks, while the other is about not letting the state put its boot on your neck.

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