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The Strange Case of Jacky Caillou Squanders Its Potential

If you’ve read any of my reviews of werewolf movies before, you probably know I have a love-hate relationship with the subgenre. I’m a huge fan of these monsters, so there are few things I enjoy more than discovering a good new werewolf film. But unfortunately, that doesn’t happen too often. For some reason, most of these movies are pretty subpar, so I approached The Strange Case of Jacky Caillou with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Would it be another lycanthropic letdown, or would it be one of the few good entries in the subgenre? I didn’t know, but when I pressed play on my screener, I was eager to find out.

The Strange Case of Jacky Caillou was directed by Lucas Delangle, and it stars Thomas Parigi, Edwige Blondiau, Lou Lampros, and Jean-Louise Coulloc’h. It’s about a young man named Jacky Caillou who lost his parents when he was a boy, so he was raised by his grandmother, Gisele. Interestingly, Gisele has a supernatural ability to heal people and animals, and she uses that gift to help the people in her village.

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