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The delicious cake Tom Cruise gifts to Tom Hanks every year

In a recent episode of the series Last Meals by the YouTube channel Mythical Kitchen, Tom Hanks gushed over the special gift that Tom Cruise gives him every Christmas. The actor, known for his roles in Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, and Toy Story, discussed with interviewer Josh Scherer the meal he’d eat if it were his last day on earth.

Hanks listed off quite the feast by outlining his ideal last breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and drinks. Hanks picked challah bread French toast with Cary’s sugar-free syrup for breakfast, followed by an In-N-Out Double-Double burger with a Diet Coke for lunch. Next is a healthy Greek salad with avocado, calamari, and a side of pita bread with taramasalata. His evening meal would consist of the Taste of History platter from a restaurant named El Cholo, served with a diet Dr Pepper.

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