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The Best Men's Clothes at Target Are Better Than You Think

When the search engine whizzes here at GQ HQ informed us there was some online chatter surrounding the best men’s clothes at Target, we were a little, well, skeptical. Target? Huh. Are you sure?

Silly us, we should've clocked this a lot sooner. It really makes sense though; You don’t amass a scarily devoted customer base—or earn an endearingly puckish nickname—without doing a whole lot of things right. Turns out, at Tar-zhay menswear is one of them.

If you're out here trying to squeeze the most drip for the least money, Target's not exactly a menswear mecca, but it’s by no means a fashion wasteleand. The clothing on offer at the big-box retailer is…surprisingly decent? Good, even. Don't take that as a raving review because, well, it's not), but do believe us when we say that what we found was far better than what we'd expected. (Mea culpa, Target.) Squint your eyes just-so, and there’s a ton of quality basics to be found, from big-name brands like Dickies, Levi’s, and Reebok. It wouldn’t be our first stop if we were looking to splash out on a freaky piece of outerwear or some ante-upping accessories, but if you’re jonesing for a quick dopamine hit—or in dire need of fresh undies—it’s surprisingly well equipped to handle the job.

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