Before I became a fashion editor, I assumed the best designer tote bags should be reserved for special occasions. Even if they looked and felt like elevated versions of my regular-schmegular market bags and weekenders—with exteriors that coordinated with whatever I wore and spacious interiors for lugging my laptop or a change of clothes, or both—the dust bag and shiny labels intimidated me out of carrying my most prized totes.
My mindset shifted when I started working in fashion. Once I could meet designers and test their creations myself, I realized luxury bags are so special because they're made to be carried often, not hidden away. In their leather-trimmed, microfiber suede-lined way, the best designer totes are an aesthetically pleasing balancing act. "Investing in a new tote is all about quality and function," BAZAAR accessories director Miguel Enamorado agrees. "What it's made of is as important as what it's made for. The more it serves that purpose, the more you will wear it and the more it will be worth your investment."