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Release Notes: Anthony Bourdain’s Voice Echoes In The Uncanny Valley

Director Enters The Uncanny Valley With Anthony Bourdain And AI

One of the most iconic images of the late, globetrotting superstar chef Anthony Bourdain shows him flipping off the photographer. He did this a lot; if you Google “Anthony Bourdain middle finger” you’ll see at least seven different shots on the first results page. Some have been made into t-shirts and art prints. It is emblematic of his individuality, his rebellious nature, his playfulness and his don’t-give-a-damn attitude. His fans saw themselves in his view of life and how to live it, and that is one of the reasons his suicide in June 2018 hit so many so hard.

It’s also one of the reasons why there’s so much outrage over “Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain,” a documentary focusing on Bourdain’s success and his tragic death. Oscar-winning filmmaker Morgan Neville in several parts of the film used artificial intelligence to re-create Bourdain’s voice, then used it to have the chef “speak” words that never actually came out of his mouth. First reported in a New Yorker interview with Neville written by Helen Rosner, Neville cops to one particular scene, but says there are others that he won’t reveal. In other words, Neville does not disclose in his film that AI is being used in this way.

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