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  • Writer's picturemalensoltyskb8735

New Kids on the Block blast back to the past in Vancouver

At GM Place on Friday, November 21

When I got the call to review New Kids on the Block, I thought, “Hmmm”¦ Spend the night watching an aging boy band cash in on former prefabbed fame and a shite new single? Sign me up!”

See, there was a dark period during my adolescence that I’m not very proud of. I loved New Kids on the Block in Grade 8 (and maybe part of Grade 9 and 10 as well)—it was my way of rebelling against my rock ’n’ roll family. And like so many NKOTB fans at the time, I had a total wide-on for Jordan Knight. I think it was the way he always let one strap of his baggy overalls suggestively slip off his shoulder, revealing an underdeveloped and ineffectual bicep. In other words, he was a chicken hawk’s wet dream. And what self-respecting pubescent girl wouldn’t find that sexy?

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