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  • Writer's picturemalensoltyskb8735


Music documentaries are some the most formulaic films. They are also some of the most enjoyable movies. Whether you’re looking for a basic live performance or a narrative about glory, failure and redemption, it’s in this guide.

A Hard Days Night and Purple Rain are not music documentaries. They’re great films starring real artists playing versions of themselves. Not docs so they’re not on this list.

Beyoncé’s Lemonade is a video album, an amazing piece of art, but not a doc so it’s not on this list.

We do bend the rules a few times (Is 20,000 Days on Earth a doc? Is it possible to have a documentary featuring Nick Cave that’s honest? Does it matter?) and get to maybe the most important music ‘doc’ in our special section at the end.

Enjoy the guide. Grow your Netflix queue.

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