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Mr. Freeze Cosplay Redeems Batman's Cheesiest Movie Villain

For anyone who only knows Mr. Freeze as the ice pun-spouting villain from Batman and Robin, then a new cosplay will have them rethinking what they "snow" about this dangerous member of Gotham's underworld.

As a child Victor Fries was fascinated with the science of cryogenics, but his life didn't truly begin until he met the one true love of his life, Nora. The two married, but soon the new Mrs. Fries fell ill with a rare form of cancer. Taking a job at GothCorp in order to find a cure, Victor used company resources to place Nora Fried in cryogenic stasis as he worked to heal her. His boss Ferris Boyle found out about the expensive use of company resources and tried to forcibly remove Nora, but her husband refused. The two fought, resulting in the destruction of the chamber, and Victor being doused in chemicals that altered his biochemistry so that he could no longer survive outside a custom-made cryo-suit or subzero temperatures. Creating a freeze gun, Victor became Mr. Freeze and began stealing the supplies he needed to keep Nora alive and finish his cure.

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