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I’ve been my friends’ favorite DungeonMaster for 2 years now and I gave ChatGPT-fueled Dungeons & Dr

This past Saturday night, I sat down to play a game of Dungeons & Dragons with ChatGPT by myself. As a kid in the 1980s, I begged my parents for Heroes’ Quest, a fantasy role-playing board game that looked so fun in TV ads. When I eventually got it, I found I had no friends actually interested in playing with me, so I spent a lot of time playing with it alone. Honestly, it’s kind of a lonely and sad memory! But soon enough, I did find my own Stranger Things–esque gang of kids and spent many years playing a different game—Dungeons & Dragons. I continued to play into adulthood, and when I moved during the pandemic, I made a new group of friends to play with. I’m the DungeonMaster (DM), and I’ve been running a long campaign for two years now.

As a DM, you either have to write a story for your players to inhabit, or buy and learn a premade adventure. My favorite part of role-playing games, or RPGs, has always been creating my own worlds and stories—like having Genghis Khan rise from the dead to reconquer the known world with a zombie army.

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