Description of the Disaster
From 25 to 26 August, heavy and uninterrupted rains fell across Guinea, causing flooding in several prefectures. Some 13 of the 27 districts of the Kankan province, and 7 of the 12 sub-prefectures have experienced varying levels of impact, according to Guinea National Red Cross and National Disaster Management Agency.
Details on the actual scope of humanitarian impact is yet to be fully determined as assessments are still underway alongside the delivery of urgent relief. Rains continue to fall in the country and in Kankan province, and from GRCS branches, this preliminary data can go in an upward trend by mid-September. Nevertheless, based on initial rapid assessments conducted by the Guinea Red Cross – Kankan Prefectural Committee, through its Community Disaster Response Teams (NDRT/CDRT) coordinated by the members of the National Disaster Response T eam (NDRT/CDRT) together with prefectural, sub-prefectural, communal and neighbourhood authorities, over 29,000 people have been confirmed affected as of 26 August. 24,135 people (3,448 households) have been assessed and classified as most affected to date, including 10,839 men, 13,296 women (see below table).
