If you were worried that the Gif was losing its significance in a rapidly changing digital environment, then fear not! Opening its annual breakdown of the most popular Gifs of the year, the Giphy team says “Don’t believe everything you read – the Gif is well in 2022”. This appears under the bold heading (or more loud declaration) of “Long Life the Gif!”. Certainly, this year has been a big one for Giphy with it celebrating its 10th anniversary of being the primary source of short, looping animations. So, without further ado, let’s see what made the list.
In what comes as little of a surprise, a clip from Euphoria made the top spot. With the first series of the show quite literally taking the world by storm in 2019 and propelling Zendaya even further into stardom, the second series earlier this year had a similar effect on millions of TV watchers all over the globe.
