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  • Writer's picturemalensoltyskb8735

Darkwood is like Silent Hill, Hotline Miami, and the Metro series rolled into one

The best horror games know how to make you feel empowered in one moment, then completely vulnerable in the next. And there's usually a unifying theme that compels you to keep pushing forward, even when you're terrified beyond reason. Darkwood delivers both to perfection, continuing the tradition of the now-dormant Silent Hill series by putting atmosphere first, and making sudden scares a rarity where most horror games use them liberally. This survival horror game became an instant cult classic when it launched on PC back in 2017, and now it's come to Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One this week to cast a dark shadow over the coming summer months. If you have a single horror-loving bone in your body, you'd do well to lose yourself in the foreboding forest that is Darkwood.

You awake in Darkwood as the captive of a crazed doctor who's dragged your unconscious body into his home - and things only get freakier from there. Your origins are a mystery, but you suddenly find yourself deep inside a forest so thick that its infinite trees have grown into an impassable barrier, imprisoning all the townsfolk who have started going mad from their disconnect to the rest of the world.

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