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D&D Removing Half Races Is Less Dramatic Than You Think (& the Right Choice)

During the recent Wizards of the Coast Summit, the Dungeons & Dragons' team explained its choice to remove half races from the upcoming One D&D incarnation of the game. Over the years, D&D has come under fire for racial insensitivity. The most recent infraction revolves around the portrayal of the Hadozee in the Spelljammer source material, but many players have lamented for years that the usage of the term "race" is inherently problematic.Half races, like the Half-Orc and Half-Elf, have been a part of the game for as long as anyone can really remember, lending some Orcish and Elven traits to player characters, along with a few unique boons of their own. However, calling anyone "half" of a racial background doesn't sit well with a lot of players -- and with good reason. While the decision to do away with half races has sparked some controversy from players who enjoying creating these kinds of characters, Wizards of the Coast's decision will actually improve gameplay options while moving the game forward in its quest for greater inclusivity.

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