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Covid confusion in a divided world. For some Omicron=Moronic and Delta+Omicron=Media Control

Washington: The world is now dividing rapidly into two giant factions. Make that three. Covid alarmists+worriers, Covid skeptics+don’t give a damners, and those in between who are confused+aren’t sure.

The first group track Covid developments closely, even obsessively, concerned that new variants could be more lethal or potent. They also believe they have a social responsibility in preventing the spread of Covid. Some of them are personally vulnerable — or have family and friends who are — with underlying conditions that makes Covid more dangerous.

The second group believes Covid fears, whether from the original coronavirus or from variants, are overblown — “nothing more than a flu.” Some of them believe keeping economic activity going is more important and the pandemic will eventually flame out, perhaps when most people have had Covid, have had vaccines, and there is mass immunity.

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