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Accused gangsters had cellphone numbers in other people’s names, expert testifies

Nine women and two men who had given addresses in the same communities as alleged members of the Klansman Gang — 33 of whom are now on trial in the Supreme Court in downtown Kingston — were the subscribers for the cellphone contact numbers attributed to several of the accused, including alleged leader Andre “Blackman” Bryan.

The information came to light on Thursday afternoon during the continuing testimony of a communications analyst from the Communication Forensics and Cybercrime Division of the constabulary.

The evidence included a power point presentation comprising the call data records and subscriber information received from telecommunications firm Flow along with the numbers and attributions (aliases and names of alleged gangsters) taken from the three cellphones turned over to the police by Witness Number One.

The recordings of ostensibly incriminating conversations between the gangsters were secretly made by the main witness, an ex-gang member, using the phones — two of which were given to him by the cops to record conversations between himself and his former allies when he started working with the police undercover in 2018.

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