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  • Writer's picturemalensoltyskb8735


Four little letters. That’s all it was.

Four letters, typed in all-caps, at the end of a tweet. Spur of the moment.


Obviously when I wrote that tweet three years ago I had no idea what was coming. I just wanted to express to our fans how important they were to us. That they mattered. I wanted to get across that their energy can be the difference between winning and losing. Those coin-flip type games, where the littlest thing can make a difference — a bad hop, a weird call, a lucky bounce. There’ve been moments at Citi Field when I swear I can actually feel that energy in the air, and I know it’s going to make an impact.

We feed off our fans, for real. When our fans are fired up, we play better. It’s as simple as that.

And that’s what I was trying to get across back in 2019 when I typed out those four letters. Then it was like from there, our fans took that rallying cry and put a spontaneous culture change into effect. They took those four letters and ran with them.

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