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39 Personalized Valentine’s Day Gifts That Add an Extra-Special Touch

No matter how long you’ve been with an S.O.—whether it’s one month or 20 years—shopping for Valentine’s Day presents never really gets easier. Unlike a partner’s birthday or the other winter holidays, February 14 has a theme (~love~, in case that wasn’t abundantly clear). So while slipping a pair of cute socks or a lil beanie under the tree might work in December, those kinds of gifts simply don’t work as well for a romantic holiday. For this day o’ love—which, btw, is coming real soon—you wanna make your partner feel butterflies! Goosebumps! Magic!! You want them to shed a single tear because they finally realize just how much you love ’em. At the very least, you want them to feel extra special. And the easiest way to do this? Personalize everything.

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