Dad is the Leonardo da Vinci of joke-telling of our time. His pièce de résistance? Any pun or double entendre that spurs guffaws of laughter. Any eye-rolls or jaded grumble you throw back at him is just another brush stroke to his painting canvas. And any awkward silent situation he’s in is an art studio for him to exercise wordplay after quip after farce. More often than not, he achieves his goal of lightening up the mood. And for that, we’re grateful.
Hence, on this Father’s Day, forget about taking the route of stylish, luxury gifts or cool, unique gifts for dad. Surprise him with a gag gift instead. Anything that’s funny or foolhardy, highbrow or lowbrow might just be what he'll appreciate the most right now. With that in mind, here are 33 funny Father’s Day gifts for dad that don’t just bring the chuckle, but are also remarkably useful gifts for the dad who's a comedian, at least in his own mind. As luck would have it, many are also affordable options and offer fast shipping, too.
